내 故鄕 長華里와 迎瑞堂의 빛

石田 李最善 硏究

장전 2015. 1. 26. 17:55

원문 다운로드

뷰어 다운로드
원문 다운로드
무료 다운로드 유료 다운로드 도서관
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Seok Jeon Lee Choe-seon was a Confusian scholar and lived in a rural community. He acted against 'Imsul Farmers Contention of 1862'() and 'Byongin Yangyo of 1866'(), focusing on his own theories 'Administration' and 'Rejection of evil'. He, as a literary man, accepted and developed the thought of 'Yooriron'() by Ki Jeong-jin, through which he practiced the theory of 'Love to the People'. The things that are pursued in this theory are shown in a writingOuipil」 () written by Ki Jeong-jin. Lee Choe-seon advocated the theory by writingDok Ouipil」 (「」).
Among activities led by Lee Choe-seon during the 'Byongin Yangyo of 1866'(), the patriotic and political movement was the very practice of his theory written in 'Byonginso, () by Ki Jeong-jin. In that he advised the Daewonkun() about appointment of elites and national affairs, it can be known that Lee Choe-seon was influenced by the thought of Ki Jeong-jin.
The main point of his theory 'Administration' is clearly shown in theSamjongchek」(「」). He pointed that the problem was not caused by the Samjong System itself, but by executors of the system, slack discipline and lost morality. He suggested that a solution for the problem is to appoint elites and to promote academic pursuit, less control of speech and strict system of national examination.
However, inImsuloichek」 (「」) written by Ki Jong-jin, who is his master, a complete renovation of the Samjong System was suggested. In this context, there is a difference between his suggestion that the execution of the Samjong System be needed and his master's that the whole system of the Samjong be renovated. However, there is a common point between their views. It is shown in 'Yooriron'() by Ki Jeong-jin. Lee Choe-seon pursued a practical view, which is more logical than the view depicted the 'Imsulouichek, (「」) by Ki Jeong-jin even though they have the same base. In Ki Jeong-jin's view, the people is the base and Lee Choe-seon added the reality and practice to the base. That is, he tried to realize the theory in actual life.
He showed a conservative view through 'Samjongchek, (「」) and the Patriotic and Political Movement , but his theory is based on 'Love to the People' presented by Ki Jong-jin. He pursued both practical and renovative tendencies.
In sum, his thought was influenced by that of Ki Jeong-jin and the influence was developed for his practical pursuit.


표제지 = 0,1,4
목차 = i,5,1
ABSTRACT = ii,6,2
I. 머리말 = 1,8,3
II. 이최선의 생애와 시대상황 = 4,11,1
1. 가문과 생애 = 4,11,5
2. 조선말기의 시대상황 = 9,16,5
III. 이최선의 성리론과 위정척사운동 = 14,21,1
1. 노사학파의 유리론과 이최선 = 14,21,6
2. 이최선의 위정척사운동 = 20,27,8
IV. 이최선의 삼정운영개선론 = 28,35,1
1. 「삼정책」의 내용 = 28,35,10
2. 「삼정책」의 평가 = 38,45,7
V. 맺음말 = 45,52,4
참고문헌 = 49,56,5
