동영상 검색 - 클래식

[양인모 Inmo Yang & 홍사헌 Sahun Sam Hong] 슈트라우스: 바이올린 소나타 내림마장조 Strauss: Violin Sonata in E♭ Major, Op.18

장전 2021. 7. 29. 08:57

The Violin Channel


VC ARTIST OF THE WEEK | 26-year-old Korean virtuoso Inmo Yang is gaining recognition as one of the most talented young concert artists today — praised by The Boston Globe for his “seamless technique and tender warmth of tone”

VC ARTIST | Inmo Yang — Paganini Violin Competition 1st Prize Winner

The 26-year-old Korean virtuoso is gaining recognition as one of the most talented young concert artists today — praised by the Boston Globe for his “seamless technique and tender warmth of tone”


VC ARTIST | Inmo Yang — Paganini Violin Competition 1st Prize Winner

The 26-year-old Korean virtuo